sábado, 4 de febrero de 2017

Customer service with excellent communication skills in English written and spoken. For special languages they need English, Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Portuguese.

Important company needs

. Need excellent communication skills in English written and spoken. For special languages they need English + the special language like: Chinese, Japanese, German, French, Portuguese, etc. 
• Detail Oriented: this is one of the main skills required to manage ESD cases with all the complexity that this process involves 
• Able to manage big amount of data and details (critical thinking), able to make decisions and understand where to grab the required information 
• Outlook knowledge 
• Excellent customer service 
• Be proactive, take action: Decision making for day to day activities 
• Proactively manage their goals: Care about their results, close follow up of their goals
Salary 450.000.00

Interested send CV in English to the mail vacantescostarica@gmail.com or call 89165097/22481462.

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